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Top Decentralized Finance (DeFi) cryptos

Explore the dynamic world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) cryptocurrencies. Get up-to-date market data including prices, market caps, and volumes, and make informed investment decisions.

#NomChangement (24h)PrixPrix en BTCCapitalisation boursièreVolume 24h
10923 13.2%$0,99530.00001006$0$500
10927 0.99%$0,099030.00000100$0$498
10974 7.67%$0,029910.00000030$0$474
10991 9.64%$0,022090.00000022$0$463
11194 5.09%$0,00023610$0$363
11465 0.1%$0,0029620.00000003$0$247
11582 0%$0,00021870$0$211
11779 3.75%$0,26110.00000264$0$160
11818 8.09%$0,000620$0$152
11970 0.17%$4 131,380.04177897$0$124
12057 2.28%$0,0092220.00000009$0$110
12228 5.60%$0,73970.00000748$0$89
12347 3.96%$0,14960.00000151$0$75
12389 1.52%$0,0002350$0$70
12405 0%$0,0023510.00000002$0$68
12434 6.63%$1,760.00001780$0$65
12480 5.83%$0,0029570.00000003$0$60
12555 24.2%$0,59970.00000606$0$54
12638 0%$169,130.00171034$0$47
12744 0.45%$0,000066290$0$39
12765 0%$0,00010010$0$38
13178 9.27%$0,017010.00000017$0$19
13258 0.15%$1,0010.00001012$0$16
13281 0%$0,038070.00000043$0$15
13392 0%$0,22350.00000226$0$12
13679 0.32%$0,0010460.00000001$0$6
13788 0%$0,05960.00000060$0$4
13799 0%$2,140.00002164$0$4
13811 0.61%$0,0001910$0$4
13820 2.47%$158,340.00160123$0$4
13980 9.09%$407,980.00412574$0$2
14008 0.18%$79,690.00080587$0$2
14111 3.77%$0,000011190$0$1
14382 0%$00$0$0
14402 0.19%$1,0010.00001012$0$0
14450 0%$00--
14451 0%$00--
14456 0%$00--
14463 0%$00--
14489 0%$00-$0
14493 0%$00--
14575 0%$00--
14656 0%$00--
14657 0%$00--
14684 0%$00--
14691 0%$00--
14699 1.16%$4,480.00004530$0$0
14719 0%$00$0$0
14776 0%$00--
14778 0%$10.00001011$0$0
14785 0%$00--
14800 0%$00--
14811 0%$00--
14828 0%$00--
14968 0%$00--
14983 0%$00--
15004 0%$00--
15020 0%$00--
15048 0%$00--
15049 0%$00--
15050 0%$00--
15065 0%$00--
15066 0%$00--
15067 0%$00--
15088 0%$00--
15091 0%$00--
15100 0%$23,390.00023653$0$0
15127 0%$00--
15130 0%$00--
15132 0%$00--
15153 0%$00--
15154 0%$00--
15188 0%$00--
15189 0%$00--
15200 0%$00--
15201 0%$00--
15202 0%$00--
15203 0%$00--
15204 0%$00--
15205 0%$00--
15206 0%$00--
15207 0%$00--
15208 0%$00--
15209 0%$00--
15221 0%$00--
15234 0%$00--
15241 0%$00--
15242 0%$00--
15257 0%$00--
15303 0%$00--
15325 0%$00--
15326 0%$00--
15330 0%$00--
15333 0%$00--
15338 0%$00--
15366 0%$00--
15392 0%$00--
15421 0%$00--
15428 0%$00--
15439 0%$00--