Dick Pix NFT
Creator fee
Mint Price
Dick Pix blends nostalgic characters inspired by your favorite films, likenesses of people you know and love, with big comedic vibes to create a limited series of collectibles. The Dick Pix community enjoys sarcastic undertones, reading between the lines, and casual innuendos that bring laughter to the forefront of our philanthropic efforts. 10% royalties- 50% goes directly to charities that aid in STI testing, family planning, all-inclusive sex education, and anti sexual harassment initiatives. BAG OF DICKS GAME: 3000 total supply. 777 Dicks are Legendary. They are the only 1/1 hand-drawn originals in the entire collection. The remaining 2,223 fall into 3 categories: Super Rare, Rare, and Common. The “Bag of Dicks” game is like a trading card game. Buy and trade with other holders to get a complete set of dicks. A complete set must contain all versions of a Legendary dick. Possible combinations range from 2-4 matching dicks in a set.
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Dick Pix NFT 하한가 차트
가격 업데이트
Dick Pix NFT의 현재 최저 가격은 -이며, 24시간 거래량은 -이며, - 거래가 있습니다. 최저 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 down 0%입니다.
Dick Pix NFT이 얼마나 있나요?
Dick Pix NFT은 Ethereum 블록체인에서 -에 출시된 250개의 비교가능 토큰(NFT) 컬렉션입니다.
발행 가격은 얼마였나요?
Dick Pix NFT의 출시 가격은 각 NFT당 -이었습니다.
곧 출시Dick Pix #1073
Dick Pix #1906
Dick Pix #201
Dick Pix #2445
Dick Pix #1125
Dick Pix #2230
Dick Pix #218
Dick Pix #35