The Kartel
Creator fee
Mint Price
Vybz GR is a Web3 Community Hub, appreciating all the goodness Web3 can bring. The majority of this community works in Web3.... so imagine a Home away from Retail. Thats what we are. With that said there are 5 Code of Ethics within Vybz...Honour, Respect, Loyalty, Trust and Friendship. All our members are hand picked through relationships that have been built. Vybz Gr does suggest we do more and yes we do... We have 4 Separate elements to our Business that have allowed us to remain in the space coming up to 2 years, but we have no need to share that information to just anyone.... IYKYK..... So in short Vybz does madness in Web3!!!
Total Volume
Floor Price
24H Volume
Unique Owners
The Kartel 하한가 차트
가격 업데이트
The Kartel의 현재 최저 가격은 0.067 ETH이며, 24시간 거래량은 -이며, - 거래가 있습니다. 최저 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 down 0%입니다.
The Kartel이 얼마나 있나요?
The Kartel은 Ethereum 블록체인에서 -에 출시된 501개의 비교가능 토큰(NFT) 컬렉션입니다.
발행 가격은 얼마였나요?
The Kartel의 출시 가격은 각 NFT당 -이었습니다.
곧 출시Kartel 141
Kartel 196
Kartel 218
Kartel 245
Kartel 246
Kartel 25
Kartel 266
Kartel 271