SuperFarm Genesis Series
Creator fee
Mint Price
With a cyberpunk aesthetic set in the dystopian future city of Cryptopolis, the first NFTs on SuperFarm are aptly named the Genesis Series. These NFTs are packed with utility across the SUPERVERSE, and will entitle their holders to unique privileges and unlock new experiences. Holders of these NFTs will enjoy key platform utilities such as priority whitelist access, farming multipliers, access to in-game items and more. There are five unique characters that will be released during the Genesis Series Drop. If you **collect all five designs you will receive a free NFT collector’s trophy**, airdropped to your account at a later date. To get this NFT collector award you must be holding all five characters in the same wallet on 12:01AM PST April 20th, 2021. **Holders of these NFTs are also eligible for SUPER airdrops that vary based on rarity.**
Total Volume
Floor Price
24H Volume
Unique Owners
SuperFarm Genesis Series 하한가 차트
가격 업데이트
SuperFarm Genesis Series의 현재 최저 가격은 0.0189 ETH이며, 24시간 거래량은 0.149이며, - 거래가 있습니다. 최저 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 down 0%입니다.
SuperFarm Genesis Series이 얼마나 있나요?
SuperFarm Genesis Series은 Ethereum 블록체인에서 -에 출시된 7K개의 비교가능 토큰(NFT) 컬렉션입니다.
발행 가격은 얼마였나요?
SuperFarm Genesis Series의 출시 가격은 각 NFT당 -이었습니다.
곧 출시