Women Unite - 10k Assemble
Creator fee
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This is the second collection of Women Unite created by Miss Kaina and the Original Models. This unique collection is part of an entire ecosystem known as the Women Unite Kingdom. The WU Kingdom intends to represent the individuality, allure, and influence of womankind through Fashion, Photography, and NFTs. Where did the 10K women come from? According to the lore they’ve gathered from all across the globe to unite as part of the WU Kingdom in order to spread love, light, and positivity in the world. We’ve searched and gathered more than 50+ real-life models in order to bring this collection into reality. Each of the 10,000 NFts were equipped with various wardrobes and numerous accessories to ensure they are all uniquely different. This collection shares the same core values as part of the Women Unite Projects, whose goal is to continue to empower, uplift, and assist women. Thus we’ve allocated 10% of all royalties towards supporting women in need across the globe.
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Women Unite - 10k Assemble 하한가 차트
가격 업데이트
Women Unite - 10k Assemble의 현재 최저 가격은 0.028 ETH이며, 24시간 거래량은 0.098이며, - 거래가 있습니다. 최저 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 down 0%입니다.
Women Unite - 10k Assemble이 얼마나 있나요?
Women Unite - 10k Assemble은 Ethereum 블록체인에서 -에 출시된 10K개의 비교가능 토큰(NFT) 컬렉션입니다.
발행 가격은 얼마였나요?
Women Unite - 10k Assemble의 출시 가격은 각 NFT당 -이었습니다.
곧 출시