Zinu's Zombie Mob Secret Society
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Zombie Mob Secret Society is the industry’s first fully animated 3D NFT collection that features a protagonist that can walk, strut, run, flip, dance, and fly; following Zinu, the original Zombie, as he journeys across the Zombieverse. With a complex and compelling storyline for its character, the team aims to connect and empower the community to be part of a growing brand that can be used and commercialized from entertainment and gaming, to apparel, toys, and collectibles. Defiantly fearless, audacious to a fault, Zinu is continually haunted by something darker. What that is, currently, we don’t know, but partner we must, to help Zinu defeat it. For more information please visit [WeAreZinu.com](https://wearezinu.com). Links: [Website](https://wearezinu.com) - [WhitePaper](https://app.pitch.com/app/public/player/1f5600fb-72bf-4d68-abaf-173a4b6c56aa) - [Merch](https://zinumerch.com)
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가격 업데이트
Zinu's Zombie Mob Secret Society의 현재 최저 가격은 0.029 ETH이며, 24시간 거래량은 0.0213이며, - 거래가 있습니다. 최저 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 down 0%입니다.
Zinu's Zombie Mob Secret Society이 얼마나 있나요?
Zinu's Zombie Mob Secret Society은 Ethereum 블록체인에서 -에 출시된 10K개의 비교가능 토큰(NFT) 컬렉션입니다.
발행 가격은 얼마였나요?
Zinu's Zombie Mob Secret Society의 출시 가격은 각 NFT당 -이었습니다.
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