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Groundbreaking VeBetterDAO Launch: Transforming the VeChain (VET) Ecosystem with Enhanced Governance and Rewards

3M fa




  • VeChain’s anticipated launch of VeBetterDAO has garnered support from the crypto community.
  • Industry experts believe this development promises substantial advantages for VET stakeholders.
  • Notable features include the introduction of quadratic voting and B3TR token distribution.

VeChain’s introduction of VeBetterDAO is set to revolutionize its ecosystem by enhancing governance, rewarding community participation, and introducing innovative protocols.

VeBetterDAO: A Game Changer for VeChain

Prominent crypto influencers have voiced their excitement over VeChain’s upcoming VeBetterDAO. The initiative is seen as a milestone for the VET ecosystem. CryptoBusy regards it as a transformative event, emphasizing its potential to deliver better rewards and incentives through sustainable practices.

Increased Community Participation and Engagement

The forthcoming launch aims to bolster community engagement by incorporating innovative mechanisms such as increased rewards, quadratic funding, and decentralized governance proposals. CryptoBusy elaborates that the implementation of these features will drive higher participation rates within the community, promoting a fair and democratic governance model.

Innovative Features Enhancing Governance

An essential highlight is the introduction of quadratic voting, which will ensure balanced decision-making by equitably considering votes from both small and large stakeholders. This feature is designed to strengthen decentralized governance within the VET ecosystem. The emissions of the B3TR token are also noteworthy, as they align with sustainability goals. CryptoBusy details that the pool allocates B3TR tokens over 12 years, rewarding active participants and incentivizing proposal endorsements.

Reward Mechanisms and Sustainability

The emissions model set forth for the B3TR token underscores the emphasis on long-term sustainability. Users are required to acquire endorsements from at least 2% of the circulating B3TR supply to advance proposals, with additional rewards provided for voting activities. This model ensures that community members remain engaged and invested in governance activities over extended periods.


Overall, the VeBetterDAO initiative by VeChain stands as a groundbreaking development poised to reshape the VET ecosystem. By incorporating features like quadratic voting and long-term reward mechanisms, it aims to foster a more decentralized and sustainable governance model. The crypto community eagerly awaits its impact, anticipating a notable enhancement in governance, participation, and ecosystem rewards.

3M fa




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