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Open Custody Protocol Цена





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Open Custody Protocol price is $0,004026, ниже -9.58% in the last 24 hours, and the live market cap is $2 815 157. It has circulating supply of 703,364,450 OPEN coins and a max supply of 1,293,853,674 OPEN alongside $592K 24h trading volume.

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My Notes

Конвертер криптовалюты




О Open Custody Protocol

Qredo (QRDO) market cap is based on the qredo price. The Qredo market cap is the current price times the total circulating supply of QRDO.

The market cap divided by the QRDO price yields the present circulating supply (how much Qredo there is available now, not the total supply). Any price change in Qredo today or over the week will affect the market cap price based on the present circulating supply of Qredo, because a price change in QRDO reduces the value of one of the multiplicands in the equation.

View the price chart on this page or the CoinStats program for your phone, or go to the main page to see the market cap rank of the Qredo network against other currencies.

Qredo (QRDO)'s price is a function of supply and demand, 24 hour trading volume, capital efficiency, the overall industry's crypto market cap, the fundamentals of the coin, and technical indicators. At the time of publication the coin's all time high was $9 in Nov 2021. (This does not constitute investment advice.)

What is Qredo?

Qredo is a radical new approach to increase security for custody, using a state of the art implementation of a cryptography technique called multi-party computation to create high levels of safety for private keys.

This advancement enables Qredo to have an unusual level of private key security and data protection by allowing peers to contract to buy or sell coins using an algorithm that can compute cryptocurrency exchanges without knowing the private key by working together.

QRDO is rearchitecting digital asset ownership to create super secure decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. It has a max supply of 2 billion QRDO, and had a total supply of 900 million in Q2 of 2022.

Qredo Founders

Qredo founders envisioned a new protocol for blockchain connectivity, and created Qredo for that purpose. The CEO of the venture behind QRDO is Anthony Foy, a serial entrepreneur in the digital space.

With more than 20 years of experience in venture capital supported growth ventures, he's had four successful exits. To help lead the project, Anthony tapped Brian Spector, who currently serves as the CPTO of Qredo. Spector is a Cyber Security expert as well as a serial entrepreneur with a background in advanced cryptographic techniques.

Josh Goodbody joined Qredo in Q1 2021 as Qredo's Chief Operating Officer (COO). Goodbody is a well-known C-level operational executive and has worked to scale some of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance and Huobi Global.

They view their proprietary developments for increased safety for blockchain users are potentially as valuable as Bitcoin itself because of the vulnerability of storing private keys.

The critical failure point that blockchain hackers can exploit usually involves finding an address holder's private key. If they can find that key, they can spend the user's tokens.

Before the multi party computation solution, the only way of securing private keys was on a perhaps soon to be obsolescent "hot wallet" on an Internet connected phone or computer, a hard storage device not connected to the network, or a form of cold storage (such as written on a piece of paper kept in a safe or various fireproof analog cold storage devices).

With the introduction of MPC by the Qredo venture, these exploitable vulnerabilities could soon be a thing of the past.

How Does QRDO Work?

QRDO (Qredo) is an ERC20 token whose circulating supply lives on the Ethereum mainnet. So users can spend ETH gas for computations when trading using Qredo's second layer network, and the Qredo price, and liquidity of the circulating supply volume (24H or other timeframes), and QRDO market are affected by the markets for ETH gas.

The cross chain interoperability and L2 configuration of Qredo are incentives for rapid adoption. Qredo works as a utility token for a network that allows cryptocurrency users to hide their private keys for many different tokens, by splitting the keys up and putting different pieces of those keys on different blockchains operated by different parties.

Using zero knowledge proofs and other cryptographic tools, the parties can then use the key when called to spend from addresses without knowing the other parties, without having to trust them, and without having to reveal to the other parties' log the part of the key that each blockchain operator holds for the owner using the Qredo protocol.

When they are prepared to sign the validation after running these algos, the keys are still kept safely hidden from the other parties and anyone monitoring the network.

How to Buy QRDO?

Many investors buy and hold Qredo and other cryptocurrencies as a speculative investment in the utility of these tokens and their networks. Others buy, sell, and trade to profit from QRDO price change fluctuations in its market price seeking process. This coin page is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice to buy or sell any security, nor for speculative trading against the fluctuating Qredo price and market cap or Qredo news developments. You can buy Qredo on a number of exchange markets, including at present: DigiFinex, BingX, KuCoin, Gate.io, and Bitget.

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