Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol
Creator fee
Mint Price
Unsupervised is part of Machine Hallucinations, Refik Anadol Studio's ongoing project exploring data aesthetics based on collective visual memories. The exhibition processes 138,151 pieces of metadata from the vast collection of The Museum of Modern Art in the mind of a machine. Using StyleGAN2 ADA to capture the machine's transformative "hallucinations" of modern art in a multi-dimensional space, Anadol trains a unique AI model with subsets of the archive of MoMA's collection of artworks, creating embeddings in 1024 dimensions. The sorted image datasets are then clustered into thematic categories to better understand the semantic context of data. This expanding data universe not only represents the interpolation of data as synthesis, but also becomes a latent cosmos in which hallucinatory potential arises from a novel form of artistic creativity interpreting MoMA's unparalleled collection of modern and contemporary art. — Refik Anadol
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Floor Price
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Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol График минимальной цены
Обновление цены
Текущая минимальная цена Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol составляет 8 ETH, а объем торгов за 24 часа
составляет - с - продажами. Минимальная цена изменилась на down 0% за последние 24 часа.
Сколько есть Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol?
Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol - это коллекция NFT из 100 невзаимозаменяемых токенов, которая была запущена на блокчейне Ethereum в -.
Какова была начальная цена?
Цена Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol при выпуске составляла - за каждый NFT.
Как я могу получить Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol?
Вы можете приобрести Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol на вторичных рынках, таких как: OpenSea, X2Y2, Blur, LooksRare, Gem, Uniswap,
Какова была самая высокая продажа Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol когда-либо?
Самая высокая продажа Unsupervised - Burned - Machine Hallucinations - MoMA Dreams By Refik Anadol когда-либо составила -
СкороЦена листинга: от низкой к высокой
Unsupervised — Burned — Machine Hallucinations — MoMA Dreams #1
Unsupervised — Burned — Machine Hallucinations — MoMA Dreams #2
Unsupervised — Burned — Machine Hallucinations — MoMA Dreams #3
Unsupervised — Burned — Machine Hallucinations — MoMA Dreams #5
Unsupervised — Burned — Machine Hallucinations — MoMA Dreams #6