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From Fantasy to Reality: Aethir and MetaGravity’s Collaboration to Create Vast Gaming Worlds






Aethir and MetaGravity have announced a strategic collaboration that marries cutting-edge technologies from both companies. The partnership will leverage the power of MetaGravity’s HyperScale engine and Aethir’s decentralized cloud infrastructure to change the way that online games are delivered and experienced.

The network known for its sturdy decentralized cloud infrastructure (DCI), Aethir is focused on providing a network capable of supporting resource-intensive applications at massive scales – for example, cutting-edge gaming environments. This infrastructure is crucial in a gaming world that increasingly demands greater computational power to build detailed, vast virtual worlds that players can physically step into.

Innovation at the Core of Gaming Evolution

MetaGravity, a pioneer in the development of scalable computing infrastructures for gaming, has developed the HyperScale engine. This revolutionary technology allows game developers to produce ultra large scale games, which until now was not possible due to technical and cost reasons. 

Particularly, the HyperScale engine is establishing a new baseline for what the gaming industry can achieve, with orders of magnitude reductions in running costs and simulation scales.

The alliance comes at a critical time for both companies as each is looking to take advantage of the rise in popularity of more immersive and expansive gaming experiences. In a world where cloud gaming is taking off, the partnership between Aethir and MetaGravity could be just what today’s online games will need to scale for tomorrow.

Now with the addition of Aethir’s decentralized GPU resources into the MetaGravity engine, game developers can expect to be able to build enormous, living worlds rarely before possible in gaming. It allows for more players in a smaller area with more intricacies than ever before, creating a unique and intense gameplay experience every time.

A New Era for Gamers and Developers

For gamers, this partnership will provide new levels of realism and immersion in games. Imagine playing in a world that evolves in real-time, with every action by every player impacting the game environment in noticeable ways. 

Equally transformative for developers on all fronts. The ability to build larger, more dynamic worlds without the prohibitive costs traditionally associated with such endeavors could open new creative avenues and profit models in the gaming industry.

MetaGravity’s vision of a future gaming in a hyper-scale environment combined with Aethir’s mission to deliver globalized scalable decentralized cloud services is a perfect match. These companies together are not just making gaming better but laying the foundation for a larger move towards decentralized technologies across other industries needing performance computing solutions.





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